Tuesday 29 December 2009



Happy Holidays to you wherever you are... and I hope the winter is not too winterish if you have winter. :)

I am sure you must have been expecting updates from the Superior 64 team as the last build was due for release in October.

Sadly, there has been none.

As far as this blog knows, Superior 64 XP is ***not*** dead but the team craves / and needs anonymity. This basically means, we will have to wait until they update us....

Meanwhile, I thought a Happy New 2010 is in order for everyone who enjoys this brilliantly made hack of Microsoft Windows XP x64.

bigger sweeter news shortly...:_)


Anonymous said...

Happy to see that at least this blog is showing its activity!
And let's hope that the Superior team can pop pu with something in the next few weeks.

Zee BG said...


Dapxin said...

Its not a support forum here.
Always read the manual
Hell No. superior xp64 wont fix windows. It can only a fresh install.

ShellsOnTheFloor said...

Thanks so much for keeping this blog updated - I only hope that you continue to post any tiny tidbit of information you get, no matter how small. I've loved SuperiorXP64 for so long, but it's getting a little long in the tooth now. Updating after a fresh install takes FOREVER.

If the Superior team has absolutely anything they can tell us, or if you, the blogger, can contact them and ask for some kind of hint, that would be deeply appreciated by thousands of us users out here.

Michael Howlett said...

I was using Superior XP for a good few months, i installed it twice since i found it over 6 or 7 months back and it served me very well.

I appreciate the work that goes into the releases and the fact it makes me pc purr like a pussycat.

Im back to vista64 due to certain programs finding hardship running on a modified xp, so i look forward to an updated release so i can once again work at ease and comfort with a truly superior operating system. The work you do, as well as the work this blog does is appreciated beyond your knowing.

Best wishes for the new year, and good health to all involved.

Unknown said...

Hola chic@s!
we are waiting for some good news!
i'm a big fan from Spain.

saludos + GRACIAS

RotVic said...

Well, this is at least close to a forum i guess. Are there a real forum anywhere?

Until then: It takes like 6 minutes for me to turn off or restart my computer. Is it only me having this problem?? It's really annoying.

Hope to see a fresh release soon!

Anonymous said...

what are paswrd?june2009 or april2009?

Anonymous said...

I love, I'm using it since it has been resleased and I'm thinking of switching to windows seven PLS DON'T MAKE IT HAPPEN :p
You did a great work so far, can't wait for an update.

Anonymous said...

any news, im gonna eat my own head.

Juliandil said...

Is this project still alive, I sure hope so!

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, it was fun as long as it lasted. Have been using SupXP64 for a few months but waiting for an update took too long. Found a decent working Win7 Ultimate on TPB and are using it now...

cxjiek said...

oh, what is the name of the decent working Win7 Ultimate on TPB?

Anonymous said...

Come one dude, please don't give up. Your OS is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

* ping *

Anonymous said...

Are you still alive ? PLS SAY YES lol

Anonymous said...

It's been one year, please release an update!!!

Brian said...

I don't want to sound like I've given up, because I absolutely *love* Superior XP x64.

I'd tried 2 or 3 different x64 versions prior to finding Superior. I tried everything from a virgin XP x64 CD, to versions that were supposed to be souped up with every gee-whiz bell & whistle. And every time, I went back to x32 because of incompatibles or other problems.

Then I tried Superior XP x64, and it was like walking into a dream. Everything just simply worked. No headaches, no crashes, no incompatibilities. Just good, stable, smooth sailing! Although my machine was dual boot, I pretty much stopped using the x32 partition. (These days, if I need XP x32, I fire it up in VirtualBox).

But, as much as I loved Superior XP x64, I have to be honest that once I installed Windows 7 (x64, of course), I'm an instant convert. It's everything Vista claimed to be but never was. I could go on, but the bottom line is that W7 is so vastly superior to XP in so many ways, that now I virtually never boot to my XP x64 partition.

Yes, yes, I know very well that there are many very valid reasons why people don't want to, or can't install Win7 and have to stick with XP. But for anyone who has the option, I honestly can't see any reason to use XP. So, with that in mind, I'm making a wild guess (based purely on my own experience), that the Superior XP x64 team has seen the Windows 7 light, and is making the migration. I mean, come on guys, it's been a full year now, and not a single update.

There comes a time when it becomes unfeasible to continually commit time, resources, energy and money into a legacy system. The Superior team has clearly said that they build their version first and foremost for work and business purposes. But I'm guessing that their bosses have decided that XP is a ship that has sailed, and Win7 is the future. Which means there's little incentive to keep producing new versions.

(Think of it this way. I know there are many people who still use and love Win2k. But geez, welcome to the next future people!)

Anyway. As said above, I absolutely *love* Superior XP x64, and can't praise the team highly enough for the absolutely amazing product they produced. But maybe it's time to enshrine it as an example of past glory, and move on to it's even more Superior successor.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How about a Christmas release or 2011 New Year new version of Superior XP x64 ???????????????

Anonymous said...

problem is microsoft is updating things faster than ever. win8 is scheduled for 2012. haven't used sxp 64 yet but i'm planning on it as soon as the download finishes. they could be migrating but if they do they will still be behind microsoft.

Mike said...

God bless you, thank you very much for this windows xp version you created !

Anonymous said...

Come on, where's the updates :D!

cxjiek said...

Typing this in sxp64. As Brian said, there isn't a need for a new sxp64. Microsoft has done good with 64 bit OSes.

Anonymous said...

so . . . any upcoming releases for win 7 ?

jaywalker4255 said...

WOW! Been into 32bit for so many years. Good, fast and basic. No need for updates, works fine, don't fix what you don't need to fix. Thankyou for a good SOLID os.